Welcome to Cluckin.net

a beautiful pure white Japanese bantam

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This site is an AI free zone. All the pictures are real birds and content is produced by a real human being!

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We now sell a variety of coloured and black and white prints related to chickens and poultry.

Colour prints are here and the black and white prints are here.

Calendars are coming soon.

Below: I also source and hatch rare breeds to order. (UK only and fully booked until 2025).

Available in batches of between 20 and 50 during the season.

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I like to study the research into chickens to see if it can help backyard keepers improve the lives of their hens. I go trawling through the scientific studies to find the real truth.

Thanks to a study from the 1920's we now know how much grit a chicken needs in it's diet and how long it lasts inside them.

Find out what the science says about whether eggs should incubated on their sides or upright and whether or not periodic cooling helps incubation and makes for stronger chicks.

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I produce a series of resources for educators and homeschooling around chickens, poultry and their well being.

I have released hundreds of images under creative commons - https://www.flickr.com/photos/96919536@N06/albums

This is my resources page - https://cluckin.net/chicken-keeping-links-and-resources.html and I also have a LinkedIn group where I share the best poultry content from the web - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12678637/

Contact or follow on Social Media:

You can read my Bio here or contact me or follow on Social media.

This article was updated on July 22, 2024

Neil Armitage

I am an experienced poultry keeper who has been raising chickens for over 20 years in challenging conditions in Yorkshire, UK. I am passionate about helping people learn about and enjoy the benefits of keeping chickens. I love raising chickens because they are such friendly and productive animals, providing me with fresh eggs, meat, and fertiliser, and they are a lot of fun to watch.