The Wyandotte: A look at one of America's favourite chicken breeds.

Wyandotte chickens are a popular heritage breed of chicken that are known for their beauty, docile nature, and excellent egg-laying abilities.
They have a round, plump body, a broad head, and a rose comb. Their feathers are soft and fluffy, making them excellent for colder climates. The Wyandotte is a medium sized bird with a rose comb and clean legs.
Below: The Silver Laced was the first Wyandotte and the pattern is stunning.

Wyandotte chickens were first developed in the United States in the late 19th century. It has long been thought that they are named for the Wyandot people, a Native American tribe that lived in the Great Lakes region but our research into the history of the Wyandotte has found otherwise.
Below: A Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel from history.

Today, they are a popular breed for backyard chicken keepers and are highly prised for their beauty and temperament.
Below: I keep several types of Wyandotte, these are my Silver Laced bantams.

Wyandottes are known for being good egg layers, producing about 200 large, brown eggs per year. They start laying eggs at around 6 months old and will continue to lay eggs until they are about 5 years old. Wyandottes are a dual-purpose breed, which means they are good for both eggs and meat. However, they are more commonly kept for their egg-laying abilities.
There are nearly 30 colours Wyandotte including black, blue, buff, silver-laced, and barred.
Below: A blue Laced Red Wyandotte.

Wyandotte chickens are relatively easy to care for and can adapt well to different climates. They require a balanced diet of grains, protein, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Additionally, they need a clean and comfortable coop with plenty of room to move around.
Breeding Wyandotte chickens requires careful selection of breeding stock to maintain the desired characteristics of the breed. It is important to consider factors such as egg-laying ability, temperament, and colour when selecting birds for breeding. Incubation and hatching can be done naturally or through artificial methods, such as using an incubator.
Below: Wyandottes are known for their beautiful plumage, their docile temperament, and their ability to lay eggs.
Wyandottes are a large breed of chicken, with roosters weighing in at 8-9 pounds and hens weighing in at 6-7 pounds. They have a sturdy body with a deep breast and broad shoulders.
Wyandottes are known for being docile and friendly chickens. They make good pets and are easy to handle.
Below: The Partridge Wyandotte.

Wyandottes are a popular choice for backyard chicken keepers being a hardy breed that is well-suited to cold climates. They are also good foragers and can find their own food in the yard.
The breed was developed by crossing various breeds, including the Brahma, Cochins, and Hamburgs. The Wyandotte chicken was recognised by the American Poultry Association in 1883, and it quickly gained popularity among farmers and poultry enthusiasts.
Known for their friendly and docile temperament they are a popular choice among backyard chicken keepers. They are calm and gentle birds that get along well with other chickens and animals. They also tend to be curious and enjoy exploring their surroundings.
Below: A few years ago I had good success showing my White Wyandottes.

These chickens are famous for having a deep chest and backside that gives them a particularly rounded and pleasant appearance. However it is exactly such anatomy that makes them such an excellent producer of large light brown eggs as well as juicy, tender and moist to eat.
They are a good double purpose breed and because they are large they supply plenty of meat especially around the breast.
The Wyandotte is a breed that suits free range style raising rather than confinement in a run. The more free range they are the more they will thrive.
Wyandottes will also go broody and are sweet birds that make good mothers. They are a hardy breed and the chicks tend to grow quickly. They tend to be quite friendly so make good pets for people. They are also very vocal, uttering soft pleasing sounding clucks that people like.