This is a full list of all the pages on listed by category.
Table of Contents
- About or contact:
- Shop for poultry related products:
- Incubation and hatching of eggs:
- Breeds of chickens:
- Guinea fowl:
- Breeding chickens:
- The chicken coop:
- Feeding and watering of chickens:
- Bantam chickens:
- Chicken keeping problems:
- Pests and vermin:
- Predators:
- Baby chicks; rearing and care:
- Eggs:
- Resources:
- Chicken keeping and enrichment:
- Reviews and recommended products:
About or contact:
- About
- Contact me
- Sign up for email newsletter
- Recommended products
- Search
- Please leave feedback about this website
- Take our poultry keepers survey or see how you compare to others
- The LinkedIn poultry resources group
- Neil Armitage
- Bio here
Shop for poultry related products:
- Shop
- Colour chicken and poultry prints
- Silver laced Wyandotte pair
- Trio of barred Plymouth rocks
- Black and white Chicken Prints
- Store help
- Postage, shipping and delivery
- Payments, refunds and returns.
- Shopping FAQ
- What to do when your prints arrive
Incubation and hatching of eggs:
- The complete guide to incubation and hatching of eggs
- Best practice for choosing or selecting your fertile eggs for incubation
- Does how you store eggs make a difference to hatch rates - Storing fertile eggs for incubation
- Why do incubators turn eggs
- Why do incubators need water
- Why do incubators fail
- Why do hens roll eggs out of the nest
- Why do hens abandon their nests
- What is happenning inside the egg during incubation
- What percentage of chicken eggs will hatch and how do your rates compare?
- Blood rings in eggs and how to avoid them
- Can you move a broody hen
- When is it safe to move chicks to the brooder
- Can you incubate a cracked egg
- When is it safe to open the incubator
- What is a brooder with examples
- How to candle hatching eggs
- When to candle fertile eggs during incubation
- What is an egg incubator
- Do eggs move on their own before hatching
- When incubation goes wrong, the autopsy and diagnosis of a bad hatch
- Omphalitis or mushy chick disease.
- Air cells in eggs
- Detached air cells and what you can do about them
- What is the best orientation for eggs in the incubator, up or flat on their side.
- Complete guide to dry incubation, is it right for you and are the results worth it
- Periodic cooling during incubation and is it of any use to the backyard keeper
Breeds of chickens:
- Breeds
- The Altsteirer or Styrian hen
- Blue Andalusian Chicken breed profile
- Brahma chicken breed profile
- Brahma history
- Are Brahma chickens right for you
- Brahma breed standards
- Sexing Brahma chickens
- Polish or poland chickens
- the Ancona chicken
- Cream Crested Legbar
- The Barnevelder
- The barnevelder breed in depth
- Showing Barnevelders
- Barnevelder breed standard
- Barnevelder image and video gallery
- The Silver Laced Barnevelder
- Partridge Barnevelder
- White Barnevelder
- The Black Barnevelder
- Bantam Barnevelders
- Splash barnevelders
- Sexing Barnevelders
- Where to get Barnevelders and the cost
- Buy Barnevelder hatching eggs.
- The Barnevelder egg.
- The Chestnut Barnevelder
- Blue Laced Barnevelder
- Barnevelder Chicks
- The Autosexing Barred Barnevelder
- Barnevelder faults
- The Brown Barnevelder
- The history of the Barnevelder
- Types and colours of Barnevelders
- The Double Laced Barnevelder
- The Silkie
- Silkie chickens as pets
- The broody Silkie
- Care of Silkie chickens
- Silkie colours
- White Silkies
- Partridge silkies
- The Lavender Silkie
- Black Silkie chickens
- The cuckoo Silkie
- The red Silkie
- The Splash Silkie
- The Buff Silkie
- The blue Silkie
- The paint Silkie
- Origin and history of the Silkie
- Incubating and hatching Silkie eggs
- Silkie chickens for meat
- Silkie breed standards
- Where to get Silkies and cost
- Feed and treats for Silkie chickens
- Silkie chickens and parasites
- Silkie problems and diseases
- Showing Silkies
- The Silkie cockerel.
- Types and sizes of Silkie chickens
- Sexing Silkie chickens
- Silkie eggs
- Breeding Silkies and showgirls
- Silkies in winter
- How fast do Silkies grow
- Silkie foot problems
- Washing Silkie chickens
- Faults in Silkies
- Do Silkies roost
- Do Silkies need a dust bath
- 11 fascinating Silkie facts
- Pros and cons of Silkie chickens
- La Bresse Gauloise
- The Marans chicken
- Marans dark brown eggs
- Marans breed standards
- Marans types and colours
- Incubating and hatching Marans eggs
- History of the Marans chicken
- Care of Marans
- How much are marans and where to get them
- Marans as a meat bird
- Sexing Marans chickens
- Pure and heritage breed chickens
- The true bantams
- The Pekin Bantam
- How big do Pekin bantams grow
- Are Pekins noisy
- Are Pekins good layers
- Pekin colours and feather patterns
- The incubation and hatching of Pekin bantams
- Pekin breed standards and faults
- History of Pekins
- Where to get Pekins
- Feeding Pekin bantams
- Orpington chickens
- Orpington breed standards
- Orpington history
- Orpingtons as egg producers
- Orpington chickens for meat
- Sexing Orpington chickens
- Where to buy Orpingtons
- Orpington characteristics.
- Breeding Orpingtons
- Orpington chickens as pets
- The Serama bantams
- Serama breed standards
- Serama characteristics
- Serama colours
- The Frizzle Serama
- Showing Serama bantams
- Origin of Serama bantams
- Types of Serama
- Keeping Serama indoors
- Serama coops and housing
- What to look for in Serama bantams
- Buying Serama bantams
- Serama bantams as pets
- Feeding Serama
- Breeding Serama bantams
- Raising Serama bantams
- Serama gallery and video
- Serama bantam eggs
- Sexing Serama bantams
- Incubation and hatching of Serama bantams
- The Japanese bantam
- Japanese bantam breed standards
- Japanese bantam eggs
- Are Japanese bantams friendly
- Showgirls
- Frizzle, frazzle and Sizzle chickens
- The Sebright bantam
- The Wyandotte
- Wyandotte colours and types
- Wyandotte history and development
- Sexing Wyandottes
- Meet the hybrids
- Cinnamon Queen chickens
- Olive eggers
- Golden Comet chickens
- Red sex link chickens
Guinea fowl:
- Guinea fowl, an overview of their care.
- Types of Guinea fowl
- Is it a wise idea to keep Guinea fowl
- Things that are good to know before you get Guineas
- Where to get Guineas and what will they cost you
- Guinea fowl basic equipment list
- Taming Guinea fowl, can it be done
- The pros and cons of Guineas
- Guinea fowl history
- Choosing guinea eggs for incubation
- Guinea fowl and other pets, will they settle with other types of poultry
- Guineas and snakes, is what you've read true
- Are Guineas good pest control
- Are Guineas winter hardy
- Are Guineas agressive
- Guinea fowl colours
- Free ranging Guineas
- Do Guineas need a dust bath
- Can you keep guinea fowl as pets
- How to catch Guineas
- Guinea fowl diseases
- Breeding Guineas
- Treats for Guineas
- Guinea fowl wing clipping
- Guinea fowl Predators
- Guinea fowl parasites
- Feeding Guineas
- Sexing Guineas
- Raising keets is a little different to raising baby chickens
- Guinea fowl eggs
- Guinea nests and boxes
- Raising Guineas for meat
- Raising Guinea fowl naturally
- Artificial incubation of Guinea fowl eggs
- Brooding keets
- Guinea growers
- The male Guinea
- Guinea fowl coops
- Guinea fowl and other poultry
- Guinea fowl FAQ's
- Do Guineas fly
- Are Guineas easy to keep
- What can Guinea fowl eat
Breeding chickens:
- Breeding chickens is as much art as science - see my sucesses and failures
- Looking after broody hens
- When is a pullet ready to lay eggs
- Lethal genes in chickens and can anything be done about them.
- Line breeding in chickens
- Sexing chicks, 10 ways that actually works and 8 that do not.
- Chicken genetics, gene table and breeding
- Inbreeding in chickens.
- Outcrossing as part of a chicken breeding programme
- How long does breeding quality chickens take
- Natural hatching with broody hens
- Can you breed hybrid chickens
- Which breeds fiot into the catergory of cold hardy chickens
- what to look for and what to avoid when selection the breeding stock of chickens
- How many chicks can a hen raise
- How do you know if your chickens are happy
- Can you make a hen broody
- What is the best age to get chickens, thats the chickens' age and not yours.
- Every possible hicken colour including some that are functionally extinct.
- Breeding better chickens; how to improve your show stock.
The chicken coop:
- Should you free range
- Winter coop ventilation
- Reducing stress factors in chickens
- Coop
- Insulate a chicken coop in the UK
- Nesting boxes
- Roosts roosting and perches
- Adding new chickens to the flock
- Deep litter method for chickens
- Will chickens ruin your lawn
- Poop or droppings boards
- What directions should a coop face
- Do chickens have a bedtime
- Chickens and trees
- Bantam chicken coops
- How high do chicken fences need to be
- How and when to give artificial light to chickens
- Best run floor materials
- stop chickens sleeping in nests
- Can a coop be too big or small
- Coop doors and pop holes
- Food and water in the coop
- Keeping snakes out of the coop
- coop windows
- Should coops be raised
- How tall do coops need to be
- What should be inside the coop
- Chicken coop ventilation
- Coop and nest box bedding
- Chicken coop floors
- Painting chicken coops
- The chicken coop roof
- Best coop building materials
Feeding and watering of chickens:
- All the chicken feeds explained.
- The vitamins and minerals in chicken feed and why they are all necessary
- Green eco-friendly chicken keeping
- How to grow fodder for chickens. I tested 14 types of fooder and have a quicker easier way to grow it.
- When and how to switch chicken feeds
- Fermented feed for chickens
- The complete list of foods that you can and more importantly cannot feed to your flock.
- Can chickens eat peppers
- can chickens eat cucumbers
- Can chickens eat tomato
- Can chickens eat zucchini and courgette
- Can chickens eat rice
- Grit and shell for chickens
- Myths and facts surrounding chickens and yoghurt
- Can chickens eat flowers
- Can chickens eat swede or rutabaga
- Can chickens eat parsnips
- Can chickens eat potato
- Can chickens eat mushrooms and funghi
- Can chickens eat apples
- Can chickens eat Eggplant, Aubergine or Brinjal
- Can chickens eat celery or celeriac
- Can chickens eat carrots
- Can chickens have alcohol.
- Can chickens eat nuts
- Can chickens eat pears
- Can chickens eat pasta or noodles
- Can chickens eat cauliflowers
- Can chickens eat lettuce and salad leaves
- Can chickens eat peas
- Can chickens eat corn
- Can chickens eat Cheerios
- Can chickens eat coconut
- Can chickens eat chickpeas
- Can chickens eat figs
- Can chickens eat grass
- Can chickens eat pineapple
- Fresh greens for chickens
- What is stealing your chickens feed
- Mealworms and chickens
- Feeding berries to chickens
- Bananas to chickens
- Can Chickens eat Citrus Fruit
- Watering chickens
- Feeding earthworms to chickens
- How much feed do chickens get
- Can chickens eat peanuts
- Chicken scratch grains
- Why is it illegal to feed mealworms to chickens
- Sprouted grains for chickens
- Scatter feeding chickens
- Feeding grit and shell to chickens
- How long can chickens go without water
- Seeds for chickens tested and costed
- Diarrhoea in chickens
- Do chickens need organic feed
- What do chickens eat naturally
- How and what to grow to supplement the chickens diet
Bantam chickens:
- Bantams
- Bantam chicken keeping
- Feeding bantam chickens
- Are bantams quieter
- When can bantams go outside
- Bantams and cats
- Should you bantams or large fowl chickens for your flock
- Why keep bantams
- Why are bantams straight run
- Breeding bantams and large fowl together
- Are bantams broody
- Are bantams good egg layers
- Are bantams friendly
- Bantam roosters and cockerels
- Are bantams easy to keep
- Why aren't my bantams laying eggs
- How big do bantam chickens get
- Lethargic bantam chickens
- keeping bantams with large fowl
- Free ranging bantams
Chicken keeping problems:
- Sick chicken symptom checker
- A complete list of chicken problems and their solutions
- Whats wrong with my chickens beak
- What wrong with my chickens comb
- Whats wrong with my chickens eyes
- What is wrong with my chickens feet
- Lash Eggs or Salpingitis in chickens
- My chickens are not eating
- Bumblefoot in chickens
- Crop Issues and Treatment
- Soft ot Thin Shelled eggs
- Egg abnormalities
- How and where to buy chickens
- How to keep your chickens safe in the backyard or garden
- 9 ways to stop egg eating in chickens
- Moulting chickens and FAQ
- Floor eggs and how to prevent them
- Fertility problems in chickens
- Sudden death in chickens
- Bird Flu FAQ or Avian Influenza.
- Why chickens fight and how to stop it
- Fowl Pox in chickens and how to treat it
- Chickens with bleeding bottoms
- Poultry
- Care and comfort of dying chickens
- How do you know if chickens are dying
- After chickens have died
- What can vets do for chickens
- Chicks are sick or dying
- Identify and treat common chicken diseases
- Marek's Disease
- Identify and treat Coccidiosis in chickens
- Mycoplasma infection in chickens
- Infectious Coryza in chickens
- Newcastle disease
- Egg Yolk Peritonitis
- Infectious Bronchitis in chickens
- Aspergillosis in chickens
- Salmonella in chickens
- Dealing with lost chickens
- Lame and limping chickens
- Hens awake and roosters crowing at night
- Can your chickens make you sick
- Vaccinating chickens
- Why do my chickens have dirty bottoms
- What if you can't keep your chickens
- Escaped or abandoned chickens
Pests and vermin:
- Vermin, pests and parasites.
- Dealing with red mite
- Chicken mites
- Chickens and rats
- Dealing with mice in the chicken coop
- Poisonous plants for chickens
- Ex battery hens and their care
- Wing claws in chickens and poultry
- Blog
- Diatomaceous earth for chickens
- How does diatomaceous earth work
- Feeding diatomaceous earth to chickens
- Does diatomaceous earth colour matter
- How to use diatomaceous earth
- Identifying chicken predators
- Bears and chickens
- Foxes and chickens
- Is a fox killing your chickens
- Fox proofing coops and runs
- Dealing with Foxes
- How to deter foxes
Baby chicks; rearing and care:
- How to care for just hatched chicks
- When can chicks begin to perch and roost
- Which part of the egg becomes the chick
- Baby chicks not eating
- Keeping chicks happy and healthy
- Baby chicks and the cold and wet
- Do you need to put food and water in the incubator
- Chick mortality and how to prevent it
- Out of season hatching and rearing
- What is wrong with my baby chicks
- Chicks
- The complete guide to feeding baby chicks
- Holding and handling baby chicks
- Are hens protective of their chicks
- What are straight run chicks
- What do chicks look like when hatching
- Can you raise ducklings with a broody hen
- What do chicks look like
- Do chicks need a light at night
- Do hens nurse
- When is the best time to buy chicks
- Do roosters brood chicks
- Buying hatching eggs from ebay
- Cold tolerance of young chickens and growers
- Eggs
- Egg yolk colour and why its important
- Change and improve egg yolk colour
- Will my chickens eggs get bigger
- Can you have eggs without a cockerel
- How many eggs do chickens lay
- Do hens mind when you collect the eggs
- The eggs song
- Do fake eggs help chickens lay
- Marking eggs
- Saving money while keeping chickens
- Egg freshness testing
- Seasonal Vs year round layers
- Why do people keep chickens
- Strength of eggshell
- I tested 4446 backyard chicken eggs and this is what i found
- When will my hens start laying eggs
- Winter egg production
- What time of day do chickens lay
- Why do hens lay unfertilised eggs
- How many chickens should I buy
- Laying hens and their care
- Resources
- Chicken keepers survey
- Survey results
- The laws of poultry keeping
- The five freedoms for chicken keepers.
- Dictionary of Poultry words and terminology
- Backyard chickens egg test
- History of chicken keeping
- History of artificial incubation
- How did they feed chickens in the old days
- The evolution of the domestic chicken
- Difference between old and new chickens
- Historical cost of chicken keeping
Chicken keeping and enrichment:
- Chicken math explained
- Vacation chickens care
- Hens not laying eggs
- How many hens can share a nest box
- Managing and controlling free range chickens
- Dealing with muddy chicken runs
- How fast are chickens
- Can chickens fly
- How to care for chickens in winter.
- What do chickens need in winter
- How to chickens clean themselves
- Instinctive and learned chicken behaviours
- Do chickens get sad, lonely or depressed
- dealing with lost chickens
- Chickens as pets
- Chicken feather faults
- Does poultry keeping pay
- A chickens feathers
- Help people with chicken charities
- Train and tame your chickens
- All about dust baths for chickens
- Allotment chicken keeping
- Keep a neighbours chickens out
- Roosters and cockerels everything you need to know
- Stop chickens from being stolen
- Telling the age of chickens
- Downsides of chicken keeping
- How long do roosters live
- Dealing with broody hens
- Do chickens pee
- Moving flocks of chickens
- Should chickens swim
Reviews and recommended products:
- Pecking order movie review
- Automatic Chicken Coop Door Openers
- Automatic Coop Doors Review
- The Omlet automatic chicken coop door review