Neil Armitage (533)

The evolution and origin of the chicken.

How and what did they feed chickens in the old days?

The history of artificial incubation.

The history of backyard chickens.

Help! my chicks are sick, unwell or dying

Can a vet help a chicken?

Floor eggs. Why it happens and what to do about it.

What is the best age to buy chickens. That's the chickens' age and not yours!

Why do people keep chickens?

The Paint Silkie

The Blue Silkie

The Buff Silkie

The Splash Silkie

The Red Silkie

The Cuckoo Silkie

What is the best material for chicken coop construction?

Are Silkies right for me? The pros and cons.

The chicken coop roof.

Lethargic bantam chickens.

How big do bantam chickens get?

Painting and preserving your chicken coop.

Chicken coop floors and foundations.

Why are my bantams not laying eggs? (with FAQ)

Are bantams easy to keep?

Chicken coop and nest box bedding

When is the best time to buy chicks?

Chicken coop ventilation. Why its so important and how to do it right.

What should be inside your chicken coop.

Black Silkie chickens

How tall do chicken coops need to be?

When do chickens start laying eggs

Lavender Silkie chickens

Bantam roosters and cockerels

Should Chicken coops be raised up of the ground?

What are Frizzle, Sizzle and Frazzle chickens

Partridge Silkie chickens

White Silkie chickens

Silkie colours.

11 fascinating Silkie facts

Chicken coop windows

Are bantams friendly?
Can you make a hen go broody?

Do Silkie chickens need a dust bath?

15 ways to keep snakes out of the chicken coop.

Should you put food and water in the chicken coop?

How do you know if your chickens are happy?

Chicken coop doors and pop holes

Are bantam chickens good egg layers.

Can a coop be too big or too small

Are bantams broody?

What do chickens eat naturally?

Can and should chickens swim?

How many chicks can a chicken look after.
How to provide fresh greens for chickens in winter.

Do Silkie chickens roost? And how high should they be.

11 reasons chickens sleep in nest boxes and how to stop it.

Faults in Silkies.

A review of automatic chicken coop door openers with 4 on test.

How to wash and bath a Silkie.

Dealing with older hens or biddies.

What is a Showgirl Silkie?

Looking after a Silkies feet. Common problems and treatment.

How fast do Silkie chickens grow

Lost chickens

Improving your show stock of chickens

Do chickens breastfeed or nurse their young?

Silkies in the ice, cold and wet of winter

Breeding Silkies and Showgirls

Breeding bantam and large fowl chickens together

Silkie eggs

Sexing Silkie chickens

Why are bantams only sold as straight run

Why keep bantam chickens

Types and varieties of bantam chickens

Types and sizes of Silkie chickens

The Silkie cockerel

Bantam chicken eggs

Silkies for showing and how to prepare for judging.

Silkie problems and diseases